75% of your goal can be met with this schedule and time horizon.
Your goal is not currently being met based on your investment contribution schedule and time horizon. You will need to increase your contributions to $1,460 bi-weekly or a new time horizon of 3 years. Actuellement, votre objectif ne sera pas atteint si nous tenons compte du calendrier de vos cotisations et de votre horizon temporel. Vous devez augmenter le montant de vos cotisation à $1,460 bi-weekly ou établir un nouvel horizon temporel de 3 years.
Time horizon | Planned savings | Savings needed |
Today | ||
In 2 years |
Amount required: | $100,000 |
Amount saved: | $20,000 |
Time horizon: | 2 years |
Contribution Frequency: | $1,460 bi-weekly |
The information, including calculation results, contained in the Goal Saving Tool is provided to you for general informational purposes only and does not address the circumstances of any particular investor. In making such information available to you Scotia iTRADE (i) does not make any determination of your general investment needs and objectives, (ii) does not provide advice or recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any security, and (iii) does not provide any financial, legal, tax or accounting advice, or advice regarding the suitability or profitability of any particular investment or investment strategy. Specific investments, tax or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to each individual’s objectives and risk tolerance. In making investment decisions, you will consult with and rely upon your own advisors and not Scotia iTRADE. You are fully responsible for any investment decisions that you make and any profits or losses that may result. Neither Scotia Capital Inc. nor its affiliates accept any liability for any investment loss arising from any use of the Goal Saving Tool or its contents.
Investing in securities involves some risks which can be reduced by diversifying investments across different asset classes. Some types of investment risks that may be applicable to a portfolio of securities include, but are not limited to, the risks listed below. Note that this brief description does not disclose all of the risks and other important aspects of investing in securities. It is important to take into account your own comfort with risk as well as the amount of risk suitable for your financial circumstances and goals.
An issuer of a fixed income security may be unable to make interest payments or pay back the original investment. Equity securities are affected by stock market movements, and equity securities of certain companies or companies within a particular industry sector may fluctuate differently than the overall stock market because of changes in the outlook for those individual companies or the particular industry. Some securities may be illiquid because of legal restrictions, the nature of the investment itself, settlement terms, a shortage of buyers or other reasons. The value of securities denominated in a foreign currency will be affected by changes in foreign currency rates or the imposition of foreign exchange controls. The value of a portfolio that invests in fixed income is affected by changes in the general level of interest rates. Investment in foreign securities involves additional risks resulting from different reporting standards and regulatory requirements, the amount and reliability of publicly available information, and the volume and liquidity of some foreign stock and bond markets.
The information in the Goal Saving Tool, including calculation results, is drawn from sources that Scotia iTRADE believes to be reliable, however Scotia iTRADE does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Calculation results are approximations based on the data you have entered and cannot predict the actual future outcome and are intended to be used for reference only. The graphs and charts are subject to change as new information becomes available, are used for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect future values or future performance of any investment. All results are hypothetical based on standard assumptions and mathematical modeling. Mathematical modeling has inherent limitations when applied to real world situations, and the results presented may not necessarily represent actual outcomes. Clients are responsible for the accuracy of their own goals and for monitoring them regularly and should not solely rely on the information presented in the Goal Saving Tool.
Calculations assume a constant rate of return potentially obtainable for each investor profile, expressed as an approximated annual rate and applied monthly, as follows:
As of October 2021 and provided for reference only, the Canadian equities S&P/TSX Composite index yielded an annualized rate of return of 5.41% in the immediately preceding 10-year period; the U.S. equities S&P 500 index yielded an annualized rate of return of 14.08% in the immediately preceding 10-year period; the Canadian fixed-income iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (TSX: XBB), which seeks to replicate, to the extent possible, the performance of the FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index, net of expenses, yielded an annualized rate of return of 3.43% in the immediately preceding 10-year period; and the Canadian S&P Canada Treasury Bill index which tracks the performance of Canadian dollar-denominated Canada Treasury Bills publicly issued in the domestic market yielded an annualized rate of return of 0.98% in the immediately preceding 10-year period. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Scotiabank does not make any representations or warranties with respect to any calculation results or assumptions.
Scotia iTRADE® (Order-Execution Only) is a division of Scotia Capital Inc. (“SCI”). SCI is regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Scotia iTRADE does not provide investment advice or recommendations and investors are responsible for their own investment decisions.
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